How Everyday People Are Getting 100-200 Leads Every Single Day Without a Website, Without Paid Traffic & Without Creating Content...

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I'm not the only one having success here's what other people say:

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​This is a shareable funnel that you can use to promote My Lead Gen Secret after you become a member

You can use this funnel and system will automatically follow up with your prospects with your affiliate link, crediting you with the sale.
​Share this link:

Simply replace 8438 with your own 4 digit MLGS ID number from your affiliate link

You can also add tracking to your links (optional) here's how:

Replace 8438 with your own 4 digit rid number

Replace ​ABC with any tracking code you want

​For Example
​If you created a link where the tracking code was FB, for when you shared your link on Facebook then if a person joins you will see 'FB' in your My Lead Gen Secret back office.

Reed Floren
P.S. I will followup with your leads using YOUR affiliate link

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